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Uganda Hip-hop >>Omulya Mamba by Sylvester Kabombo
Omulya Mamba, a song by Sylvester Kabombo, is based on the old Baganda Proverb which says that, "Omulya Mamba aba omu, navumaganya ekika", literally meaning that, One Wrong Doer can tarnish the name of the whole clan/community. A Mamba (an Eel) is one of the Clans in Buganda Kingdom and it's a taboo to be eaten by clan members. If one eats it, he/she can tarnish the name of the whole clan or village where she comes from. In other words, innocent people suffer at his/her expense. It's a campaign to keep your good name in the communities where we live by keeping an eye on those bad characters in our villages, schools, work places. The song is a fusion of traditional Kiganda Rhythms to give it a unique sound. Produced & mixed by Andrew "Skinnie" Kyalwaazi and mastered by Charlie Pro for Infinit3 Records, Uganda.
Twitter: @SylvesterHiphop
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