DAKIKA _ A single off the [DAKIKA] Ep. The tittle DAKIKA is a Swahili word that refers to a MINUTE. As an inspirational song, it reflects on: Discipline, bravery, motivation, and mainly focus: For everyone that's struggling to achieve the dream - What’s the quest, why the ambition, is it for the fortune or for pride? For DAKIKA, it’s in the interest of consumers, In particular, the purpose is to motivate everyone without status bias and have the audience find pride and motivation in their own story/past. Anyone who may feel under pressure because of time will listen to Dakika feel repetitively empowered. Written by - Juma Performed by - Juma Audio produced & Engineered by - Cah-Centi Cinema - @iam_misee,@thetechninja & @theblackjurist Post-pro' _ @thetechninja,@theblackjurist & @xtreemjimmy Camera assistant - Kevin Atura Special thanks: Paul Patel Kelvin Njogu The vintage brothers Stitches Maalik Berry
DAKIKA _ A single off the [DAKIKA] Ep. The tittle DAKIKA is a Swahili word that refers to a MINUTE. As an inspirational song, it reflects on: Discipline, bravery, motivation, and mainly focus: For everyone that's struggling to achieve the dream - What’s the quest, why the ambition, is it for the fortune or for pride? For DAKIKA, it’s in the interest of consumers, In particular, the purpose is to motivate everyone without status bias and have the audience find pride and motivation in their own story/past. Anyone who may feel under pressure because of time will listen to Dakika feel repetitively empowered. Written by - Juma Performed by - Juma Audio produced & Engineered by - Cah-Centi Cinema - @iam_misee,@thetechninja & @theblackjurist Post-pro' _ @thetechninja,@theblackjurist & @xtreemjimmy Camera assistant - Kevin Atura Special thanks: Paul Patel Kelvin Njogu The vintage brothers Stitches Maalik Berry
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